Sunday 13 November 2016

Glory of my Guru Shirdi Sai Baba

Glory of my Guru Shirdi Sai Baba
By: Shantha

Words certainly do not come easy to praise You Sai. Am neither a writer nor a poet, yet, I cannot help but write about You, for You Sai.
Sai, You appeared under the neem tree in Shirdi as a very young lad, bright and radiant.

Sai, You say nothing but convey everything through Your silent meditation.

Sai, Your immaculate features attract You to many. People flock to You. Some come to You out of curiosity and some out of love and devotion.

Sai, in spite of Your almighty powers, You remain simple, humble and meek. You are magnanimous. Boundless is Your power and marvelous are Your deeds.

Sai, the joy You give us just by Your mere sight is beyond measures.  Your loving glance gives us immense happiness. You are our visual treat.  You are perennial source of bliss.

Sai, You are truly adorable that each of Your devotee cannot help but be possessive of You. To each of us You seem to be our very own in every special way.  You prove Your love upon us through Your constant unique divine play (Leela).

Sai, Your love, affection and concern towards each of Your devotee is enormous; You show Your mercy in every step of our way.

Sai, You are a mother to all and refuge of every helpless and fatigued devotee. You are the support of those dependent on You.

Sai, Your direct divine messages in Your Satcharita is the best blessed gift for us from You.  You are the answer to everything in our life.  Sai, Your greatness is incredible.


Sai, You are my Guru Supreme, Divine Comrade, Comfort and Strength.
“Where the mind is fully absorbed, that is our abode”. My earnest prayer to You, my Sai, that abode for me should be at Your Holy Feet. Amen.

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