Tuesday 1 November 2016

Shirdi Sai Chalisa - translated to English

Obtained from internet.

Bow to Lord Sai with faith and patience.
Sai Thy Grace will remove ignorance.
Blessed are the grass, soil and dust of Shirdi;
by the touch of Sai, they became pure and holy.
Sai, Thou manifested under the neem tree.
Sai, Thy incarnation is the mission of mercy.
Oh! Sai! Thy grace and power are infinite.
Sai, Thy grace guides us as beacon light.
Sai, Thy seat made Neem leaves so sweet.
Sai, Thy peaceful radiant face is a visual treat.
Sai, Thou descended on earth as a boy of sixteen.
Sai You are Holy and handsome with merciful face of thine.
Sai, Thy radiant, bright, lustrous face;
gives us hope to cross the worldly maze.
Sai, Thy grace holds the goddess of wealth.
Sai, Thy love blesses the sick with health.
Sai, the words Thy mouth utter are pure nectar.
Sai, no one knows Thy religion; Mother or Father.
Sai let our heart be blessed as Thy Holy seat.
Sai let our heads be sheltered at Thy Holy Feet.
Sai Thy loving and merciful looks endear all.
Lord Sai begging with Tin Pot and Zoli;
Offerings to Thee make the donors so Holy.
Oh Sai! Thou art Lord Datta! Thou are Lord Shiva!
Sai Thou art Lord Rama; Pir Avalia and Lord Shyama.
Sai, Thou art repository of wisdom;
Sai the whole Universe is Thy Kingdom.
Sai, as one wishes and prays intently;
Thou shower him blessings lovingly.
Sai, Thy name has infinite strength and power.
Sai Thy name removes anxiety, distress and fear.
Sai, Thou art savior of poor and helpless.
Sai, Thy wonderful miracles and Leelas are endless.
Sai, Thou taught us love and equality.
Sai, Thou art symbol of peace and unity.

Sai, Thy feet remove the hatred of caste and creed.
Sai Thy devotees overcome anger, jealousy and greed.
Sai, Thy preaching is pearls of Knowledge.
Ram and Rahim are One is Thy message.
Sai, Thy grace gives the diseased good health.
Sai, Thy blessings removes sins of all birth.
Merciful Sai You always help the poor and helpless.
Sai’s Your Sacred Udi is the most efficacious.
Sai, Thy merciful looks purifies our body and mind.
Sins burnt away by Sai, our God so kind.
Oh! Lord Sai! Thou art Antaryami!
Sai, we don’t have anyone except Thee!
Sai, Thou have no caste, sect and religion;
Sai, to spread love and humanity are Thy mission.
Sai, Thou art protector of every simple devotee.
Sai, Thy spirit stands by us during calamity.
Sai, Thy name removes miseries and pain.
Sai, Thy name showers happiness rain.
Sai, Thy name gives us immense pleasure.
Sai, Thy Holy Feet is our precious treasure.
Sai, whosoever observes Your 9 Thursdays vow;
Thy grace removes all their pain and sorrow.
Meditate Sai’s name with faith, day and night;
Sai will wipe our pain and relieve us from plight.
Long Robe adorned Holy Mendicant;
uplifting the poor is the mission of this noble Saint.
Sai, the Sweetness of Thy words surpass ambrosia.
Sai, Thy sacred Udi is a wonderful panacea.
Sai, Thou art Spiritual Quintessence.
Sai, Devotion to Thy Feet renders deliverance.
Sai, Thy marvelous act of turning water into oil;
spread Thy fame as an aromatic pastille.
Sai, Thy words teach us not to be greedy;
but be kind and loving to helpless and needy.
Sai, Thy glory and power are infinity.
Sai, Thou art Trinity and Absolute Reality.
Sai, Thy name renders salvation.
Sai, Thy grace wards off consternation.
Sai Thou art our Guru, guide and helmsman.
Sai, only Thou can ferry us over worldly ocean.
Sai, utterance of thy Holy name is the only way;
to keep troubles and sorrows at bay.


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