Tuesday 30 August 2016

My Sai


by: Shantha
You, my Sai, are so close, yet so far.
Some say, to see You, just look at a Star.

You, my Sai, are very simple.
Whenever, i walk into your temple;
You, my Sai, look straight at me, above the bee-line of devotees.

With all the heaps of flowers and garlands that are brought to you;
You, my Sai, adorn Yourself with just that one garland i offer.

Even amidst the crowd that throngs for Your Darshan;
You, my Sai, give me a garland to show me i am special.

To show that You joyfully accept what i give You,
You, my Sai, pour honey in Your Holy bath!
Sorry, my Sai, yet i fail in treading Your path.

When i am deep in distress;
You, my Sai, reach me through SMS !!!
The love that You display chokes my throat with joy;
Yet i am not content, because i want You more, my Sai.
You smile, my Sai, when i call you by pet names  

My Love for You, is true my Sai.

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