Thursday 1 September 2016

Greatness of Sai

Dear Readers,

The lamp of the Sree Sai Satcharita has been lit to indicate the inner thought of Sai. Let its brilliance guide the path of the devotees.  Sai’s greatness as perceived from Sai Satcharita is narrated below.

Life of Sai Baba is wide and deep and limitless.  The description of Baba's pure fame, and the hearing of the same, with love, will destroy the sins of the devotee and, therefore, this is the simple means for attaining salvation.  One may possess incomparable intellect and also firm faith. But to have the support of a Guru like Sai, one’s luck must be in favor.

Sai is our Shri Krishna and Shri Rama who give us solace and He is our Para Brahma (Absolute Reality). Sai is the form of all Deities. Such a unique and wonderful incarnation is Sai Baba.

By mere sight of Sai our thoughts are changed, the force of previous actions is abated and gradually non attachment of dispassion towards worldly objects will grow.
Sai alone knows the knack of getting things done as He likes. Sai’s grace alone can enable one to accomplish any difficult task. Sai is omniscient and Inner Ruler of us all. Sai's grace alone can secure our welfare.

Sai has extraordinary love towards all of us. Sai has motherly love towards his disciples. The rich or poor are the same to Him. Sai does not know or care for honor or dishonor. Sai suffers the pains of His devotees. Sai’s heart and mind is pure and loves us without any idea of gain.  Sai regards us as His true relatives.

Sai likes prayers and cries to God better than anything else. Sai was very fond of remembering and singing God's name.  He has no love for perishable things and is always engrossed in self-realization, which is His sole concern.

Sai is calmer than the deep sea. Peace or mental calm is His ornament and He is the repository of wisdom. Sai is meek, humble, egoless, and is very dear to His devotees. Sai is always engrossed in His Self as Existence-Knowledge-Bliss.  Shirdi is His centre; but His field of action has extended far and wide.

To Sai’s devotees, His commands were Vedas.  Shampooing His Legs is our holy bath in Triveni Prayag, and drinking the holy water of His Lotus Feet destroys our desires.  Talk with Sai removes our sins. Sai is full of knowledge of Brahman. He has no desire for worldly objects even in dream. Sai has won over Maya (illusion).  Mukti (deliverance) is serving at His Holy Lotus Feet.

Sai’s form and features are so awesome that a mere look endears Him to all.  By His action we know that He is really a Great Soul. Sai is the embodiment of dispassion and is an enigma to all.

Even the speech of those who feel annoyed when they hear religious holy talks attains calmness on seeing Sai. Sai Baba’s handsome form, chokes our throat with joy, makes our eyes overflow with tears, and overwhelms our heart with emotions. The joy and delight we get is incomparable.

Sai teaches Jnana (knowledge), Bhakti (devotion) and dispassion, self-surrender and self-realization in His own unique way. Sai teaches his devotees lovingly, at the opportune time.  Sai’s ways of teaching are exceptional. Some are taught in a particular way, some in a different way. To some Sai teaches directly. To some others He teaches in their dreams. By His mysterious powers He gives knowledge to some, develop non attachment for some. Some learn goodness from Sai.  Some get awareness of true devotion from Him.

May all be blessed and pious.
Om Sai Ram

-by Shantha

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