Saturday 10 September 2016

Sai’s Auspicious Udi – Sai’s blessings

Sai’s Auspicious Udi – Sai’s blessings
By: Shantha
From: Sai Satcharita
The ardent devotees and believers of Shirdi Sai would know the value of Udi (sacred ash). 
Sai has lit sacred fire “Dhuni” in Dwarkamai; the ash from this sacred fire is called “Udi”.
Reference is made at various instances in Sai Satcharita about Udi.
Udi is one of the most blessed gifts from our Sai.
What does Sai teach or hint by this Udi?

a)    Baba teaches by His Udi that all the visible phenomena in the universe are as transient as the ash.

b)    Our bodies composed of the five elements, will fall down, after all their enjoyments are over and be reduced to ashes. In order to remind the devotees of the fact that their bodies will be reduced to ashes, Sai distributes Udi to us.

c)     Sai also teaches by the Udi that the Brahman (eternal truth, eternal bliss) is the only reality and the universe is ephemeral and that no one in this world, be he a son, father or wife, are really ours.

When Hemadpant wanted to write the biography of Sai (Satcharita), Sai was moved and blessed him by giving him His Udi and placing His boon-bestowing hand on Hemad’s head.

What a joy it is when we feel Sai appear before us and apply Udi on our fore-head and place His hand of blessing on our head.

When Mr. Nanasaheb Chandorkar got an order of transfer to Pandharpur, he went to Shirdi with his family and requested Sai to accompany them to Pandharpur and stay with them there. He gladly got Sai’s permission, Udi (sacred ashes) and Blessings. Keeping Sai’s Udi with us at all times is like keeping company of Sai.

Beautiful and handsome Sai, used to stand on the edge of the Masjid and distribute Udi to each and every Bhakta, with a view to his welfare.

A gentleman from Harda by name Dattopant suffered from stomach-ache for fourteen years. None of the remedies gave him any relief.  When he got Sai’s Udi with blessings, he felt relieved and there was no further trouble about the malady. The diseases of many, Sai has cured by His Udi.

In Nanded, Nizam state, there lived a Parsi mill-contractor and trader, by name Ruttonji Shapurji Wadia. Although he was a wealthy man, he was not happy as he had no son. He was always morose and filled with anxiety due to this. After some days he went to Shirdi, took Sai's darshan and fell at His Feet. He begged Sai to bless him with a son. Sai was moved and told him not to be worried. Sai then gave him Udi, placed His hand on his head and blessed him saying that Allah (God) would satisfy his heart’s desire. Sai’s Udi bestows Divine Miracles.

Sai also lavishly offered handful of Udi in the palms of the devotees. With His thumb He would also apply it to their foreheads. Oh, how much abundance of love He has in His heart!

Sai gave Balasaheb Mirikar some Udi, and placed His protecting hand on him. This saved him from snake bite although it had coiled up in his dhotar. Sai’s Udi protects us, destroys all evil and keeps danger away.

Sai’s Udi helps us get undiluted happiness. It confers health, prosperity, freedom from anxiety, and many other worldly gains. Udi wards off worldly difficulties as well.

It was found then and even now, that Sai’s Udi cures many physical and mental maladies.

One ought to read CHAPTER 33 & 34, Greatness of Udi – Sai Satcharita, to know more marvels of Sai’s Udi.

In the famous Jamner miracle, Sai saved Mainatai just by sending her Udi although she was several miles away from Shirdi.

Udi is the only infallible remedy we know for all our troubles. Udi has cured many devotees’ insomnia cases as well.

Sai’s Udi has saved many of His devotees from ignominy when they faced shortage of food during religious festivals and ceremonies.

It was Sai’s routine to give Udi to His devotees after noon-Aarti and send them home with His blessings.

By giving us Udi, Sai teaches us discrimination and by accepting Dakshina (money), He teaches us non-attachment. Unless we have these two things, it is not possible for us to cross over the sea of the mundane existence. So Sai asked for and accepted Dakshina, and while the devotees took leave, He gave Udi as Prasad. Udi will help us gain both our ends - material as well as spiritual

Om Sai Ram

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